Do people trust driverless cars? A survey last year by AAA found that while consumers welcomed enhanced features of autonomous technology, such as adaptive cruise control and automatic braking, they aren’t so keen on a fully self-driving car. In fact, three-quarters of the respondents said they were scared to ride in a self-driving car. Only 10% said that they would feel safer sharing the roads with driverless vehicles. - World updates

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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Do people trust driverless cars? A survey last year by AAA found that while consumers welcomed enhanced features of autonomous technology, such as adaptive cruise control and automatic braking, they aren’t so keen on a fully self-driving car. In fact, three-quarters of the respondents said they were scared to ride in a self-driving car. Only 10% said that they would feel safer sharing the roads with driverless vehicles.

We hear a lot about how autonomous cars are the future. They will be better and more efficient at driving than we are, and consequently our roads will become a great deal safer. As a result, carmakers are ploughing money and effort into perfecting driverless technology. But there’s little point in having this technology at our fingertips if none us want to use it.

One of the biggest hurdles to the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is that we simply don’t trust them. The thought of ceding all control to a machine makes us nervous.
Another study showed that despite improvements in the technology, levels of trust in it were falling.

A survey by researchers at MIT’s AgeLab found that trust in automation declined significantly between 2016 and 2017 .

In 2016, 24% of respondents said they would be comfortable with being in a fully automated car, but in 2017 only 13% said the same. Headlines about self-driving car crashes haven’t helped. In 2016 the first fatality involving an autonomous vehicle occurred on a highway in Florida. A Tesla that was in autopilot mode failed to stop when a tractor trailer entered its path, and the driver was killed.

Eyes on the road
It’s against this backdrop that a team of engineers and psychologists at Jaguar Land Rover are testing solutions to build trust in autonomous vehicles.

The UK’s largest carmaker is conducting live trials of autonomous vehicles with one main difference – they have “eyes”.

Research has shown that by giving a driverless car human-like qualities , people were more able to trust it.

In this case, the car communicates with a pedestrian as they use a pedestrian crossing. The virtual eyes seek out the pedestrian – appearing to “look” directly at them. This signals to road users that the car has identified them, and intends to take action to avoid them, reducing the fear that it will knock them over. Jaguar Land Rover is recording and analyzing the behaviour of pedestrians as they wait to cross the road, to see if this feature will improve their confidence in the technology.

Pete Bennett, Future Mobility Research Manager at Jaguar Land Rover, says: “It’s second-nature to glance at the driver of the approaching vehicle before stepping into the road. Understanding how this translates in tomorrow’s more automated world is important. We want to know if it is beneficial to provide humans with information about a vehicle’s intentions or whether simply letting a pedestrian know it has been recognized is enough to improve confidence.”

Driving to the future

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